The gcEVM saves secure values by encapsulating them within an Ciphertext object. To get the actual value, the user should decrypt the ciphertext using his AES key.
The SDK offers a function to decrypt ciphertext to a plaintext. The function signature is provided in Python, JavaScript, and Go languages as follows:
functiondecrypt(key, r, ciphertext)
The function decrypts the Ciphertext (that includes two values - r and AES(r)^plaintext) using the AES key.
Input parameters:
AES key
r: Random value used in the encryption
ciphertext: AES(r) ^ plaintext
The decrypted plaintext
Example usage - Private ERC20
When getting the current balance, the ERC20 contract return the encrypted balance. The user should decrypt it to get his actual balance value.
Below are examples demonstrating how to utilize the decrypt function in both Python and JavaScript languages:
my_CTBalance is the result of the BalanceOf function.
defdecrypt_value(my_CTBalance,user_key):# Convert ct to bytes (big-endian) byte_array = my_CTBalance.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')# Split ct into two 128-bit arrays r and cipher cipher = byte_array[:block_size] r = byte_array[block_size:]# Decrypt the cipher decrypted_message =decrypt(user_key, r, cipher)# Print the decrypted cipher decrypted_balance =int.from_bytes(decrypted_message, 'big')return decrypted_balance
functiondecryptValue(myCTBalance, userKey) {// Convert CT to byteslet ctString =myCTBalance.toString(hexBase);let ctArray =Buffer.from(ctString,'hex');// Split CT into two 128-bit arrays r and cipherconstcipher=ctArray.subarray(0, block_size);constr=ctArray.subarray(block_size);// Decrypt the cipherconstdecryptedMessage=decrypt(userKey, r, cipher);// console.log the decrypted cipherconstdecryptedBalance=parseInt(decryptedMessage.toString('hex'), block_size);return decryptedBalance;}