
COTI test networks provide developers access to a free testing environment for COTI v2 network services. Testnets simulate the exact development environment as you would expect for mainnet. This includes transaction fees, available services, etc.

To create a COTI account, visit the Accounts page.



Code that is under development by the COTI core team and likely to be used in an upcoming release. Designed to give developers exposure to features soon to be released. Updates to the devnet are made frequently.

Availability date: 2024-05-21 -----------------------------------------------------


Testnet runs the same code as the COTI v2 Mainnet, designed to provide a pre-production environment for developers about to move to mainnet. See compatible SDKs. Availability date: TBD


The COTI mainnet is where applications are run in production, with transaction fees paid in COTI2. Transactions are submitted to the COTI mainnet by any dapp.

Availability date: TBD

Last updated