Offboard To User Key

function offBoardToUser(gtUint8 pt, address addr) internal returns (ctUint8)

The function offboards the given Garbledtextβ„’ from the gcEVM, resulting in a Ciphertext.

The offboarding process uses the user AES key associated with the given address to encrypt the value inside the Garbledtextβ„’.

Usage example

function getUserKeyTest(bytes calldata signedEK, bytes calldata signature, address addr) public returns (uint8) {

    gtUint8 a = MpcCore.setPublic8(uint8(5));
    gtUint8 c = MpcCore.add(a, uint8(5)); // 10
    userKey = MpcCore.getUserKey(signedEK, signature);
    ctUserKey = MpcCore.offBoardToUser(c, addr);
    ctUint8 ctSystemKey = MpcCore.offBoard(c);
    gtUint8 c1 = MpcCore.onBoard(ctSystemKey);
    x = MpcCore.decrypt(c1);
    return x;

The offBoardToUser call in line 6 turns the "c" Garbledtextβ„’ value to a Ciphertext.

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